He or she is the blogging equivalent of
Cringer because he or she is "scared of his [or her] own shadow." When the media starts snooping around, trying to figure out his or her identity, he or she cowers under
WAP's legs, shivering with terror.
Cringer, stop trembling. The blog audience is our friend."
This is just getting bitchy now. Perhaps you two should go marry each other in California. Dammit... stupid Prop 8 joke ruining grumble grumble. Connecticut then... still legal there, right?
Point being... that He Man jokes are funny. Good disguise, He Man. Nobody will ever guess you're Prince Adam. I mean, you don't even do the bear effing minimum, like put on glasses or wear your hair differently like Kent. You just change clothes. You're a sartorial superhero - all you do is change into Village People gear.
As an aside, WAP, to the previous chain of comments - I can pinpoint the first time I learned the word "sartorial." I was three and shopping for my first three piece suit. I had just come from buying bulk Aqua Net at Costco. True story. Except for the part where it's not. Well, the hairspray part might be...
Well, let's take a walk down vocabulary memory lane.
Troglodyte? Pretty late in life actually - "54" starring Ryan Phillippe in 1998. Kept calling everyone troglodyte.
Eleemosynary? I cannot tell you out loud because it would give away too much, but let's just say it came up in a student project around 2001 . . . unless I wasn't a student? Unless there was never a project? Unless there was never a 2001.
BTW, Michelle Malkin has some pretty sweet words for No on Prop 8 supporters - get over it, losers.
Here's a big word for Malkin: d-bag.
I think people like Malkin, Coulter and Hannity are nearing the end of their popularity. Shrinking audience + need for answers instead of blame = irrelevancy. I'm a mathematician.
Wrong Defective Palin - the nitwit right-wing neocons broadcasting on all mediums do much better when they're the resistance. You'll see. The firebrand rhetoric will get ramped up even more. It will be a short honeymoon for Obama.
Yes, Iron WAP - because negative attacks were soooooo effective during the election. The basic truth is that people are now looking for answers. Taking sides and treating it like a sport was fun when we all had jobs and the economy wasn't collapsing around us. No so much any more.
You give us too much credit for one election. When (if) the economy heals and we prosper again, we may return to the political theater for some good melodrama.
Don't get cocky. His first term hasn't even begun yet.
Cocky? What are you talking about? I'm just saying that these entertainers - that's all they are - do not have the ability to speak about the issues in a way that will be appealing to a serious public. There will be plenty of criticism of Obama (serious and ridiculous) - hell, I'll be first in line if he pushes an auto industry bailout - but it will be of a different kind.
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