Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blagojevich: Is there anything left to say? Yes.

Unless you've been hiding under a rock or his hair, you know about the corruption and general douchebaggery of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (note: is this name real? It can't be real, can it?). Let's not focus on his crimes. They've been covered to death already. Let's focus on his wife...

She's been called "Lady MacBeth" by ABC News here. Apparently she keeps scrubbing but can't get her damned clothes clean. Effing spots. Won't come out. But let's click on that link...

Mrs. Blagjackoffovich: hot or not? You be the judge; the Potatoe's lines are open.

Also, sorry we've been slow here for the last few days. We promise we'll get back on the horse. Wagon. Horse drawn wagon. Whatever.

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